The Problem

Principal writer, Dorothy Pedersen, is a registered psychotherapist, with an interest in industrial psychology.

Deficient communication is a problem that should never be underestimated. It thrives in every aspect of North American businesses and governments. Communication shortcomings are insidious. They’re treacherous to your PR efforts, customer satisfaction, and can literally cost you a fortune. Managers frequently fail to identify it, fail to accurately identify the scope of it, or don’t know the appropriate remedies. Be assured, deficient communication takes no prisoners. In today’s competitive world can you afford to lose money to the maladies indicative of a communication deficiency?

A few examples are:

  • employees aren’t happy or robust; their performances lack drive and enthusiasm
  • no one can explain how voice mail SHOULD be used for maximum effectiveness
  • writers have to explain their memos
  • meetings are boring
  • you haven’t had direct feedback from clients, customers, or others you serve in the past week
  • your speeches don’t sparkle
  • your front line isn’t your strongest asset
  • you don’t know who your front line person is
  • your promotional efforts fail, or produce few results
  • follow-through is not dependable or consistent

If you’re unsure what some, or all of this means, your business may have a single, multiple, or
systemic communication problem. We can help you identify the area of greatest need, and provide
remedial training for groups or individuals that is customized to your needs.

WritingDoneRight specializes in the communication process and how that can help your business.

Deficient communication costs businesses, non-profits, and government millions of dollars every
year. The size of a business is no indication of how well its communication works.


Let’s talk about how I can help your organization:

  • save money
  • increase employee enthusiasm
  • increase customer satisfaction
  • and be a leader in your niche

I can create:

  • one, or more, workshops customized for your organization or department
  • brochures, or other handout materials re-written or newly created
  • a media promotion program
  • a disaster response procedure and training
  • and many other solutions for your communication needs

I will identify elusive sources of customer dissatisfaction, train you or your staff to perform better
than you imagined, and solve countless other problems for you. Why wait? Contact me now. 



Drop Me a Line

To contact Dorothy directly, call (519) 941-6164