About the Author
Award winning writer and public speaker, Dorothy Pedersen has an Honours Diploma in Equine Studies, a Certificate of Horsemanship, and has worked in various segments of the horse industry for over 20 years.
After having her own horses stolen, Pedersen, undertook extensive research into the crime of horse theft, and has continued to investigate this aspect of crime, it’s prevention, and detection, ever since. She’s had articles on horse and livestock theft published throughout North America for more than 25-years (that’s several years more than other present-day sources of published information on the crime), and has been told by two government sources that she probably knows more about horse and livestock theft than anyone else in the country.
She has been interviewed on radio and television, and helped the Ontario Provincial Police to establish their livestock theft data base. She has written Stolen Horses, true stories of horse thefts. Her next book, on horse theft is coming soon.

To contact Dorothy directly, e-mail dorothyp @ sympatico . ca, or call (519) 941-6164